Australian Federal Government Case Study
The Australian Government’s Department of Employment has offices located all over the country. Across their 68 offices they have over 15,000 assets including laptops, phones and more. Goals:
–Locate Equipment
–Audit Efficiency
–Eliminate Theft
For financial reporting and planning capital expenditure they have a requirement to audit all assets quarterly. This process is an enormous undertaking, involving dozens of staff members and thousands of man hours.
They required an Real Time Locating System (RTLS) solution to automate the auditing process. Additional requirements included asset tags less than 3mm thick, lasting more than 3 years on a single battery.
Through the use of our asset tags and gateways, we have provided an autonomous auditing solution which met and surpassed all of their requirements.
Asset tags were placed on each item which required tracking and gateways were installed throughout their office areas enable tracking.
For high volume / sensitive items we offer integration with traditional scanning methods including RFID and QR codes.
With our end-to-end asset management system they have automated their auditing and save millions of dollars annually.

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