Author: Andrew Kelly

Kordia Mobile Services

Kordia Mobile Services Case Study Kordia was lacking the ability to Monitor and Protect a vast inventory of high value assets across territories.  Goals: -Improve Compliance-Improve Utilisation-Reduce Misplacement Project management teams sought asset top personnel custody information daily, to locate assets which may have changed hands, between managers, personnel and contractors. With this live data...

Australian Federal Government

Australian Federal Government Case Study The Australian Government’s Department of Employment has offices located all over the country. Across their 68 offices they have over 15,000 assets including laptops, phones and more. Goals: -Locate Equipment-Audit Efficiency-Eliminate Theft For financial reporting and planning capital expenditure they have a requirement to audit all assets quarterly. This process...

Comparing real-time tracking technologies

Comparing real-time tracking technologies Understanding the fundamental benefits of real-time tracking technologies promotes educated and solution oriented decision making. The diamond model serves to illustrate pillars of core criteria, which must find compatibility with the problem statement. We are passionate about helping business track their vital assets - in the best possible way.   Cost...

What level of location accuracy do you require?

What level of location accuracy do you require? Indoor & Outdoor tracking explained. Outdoor location is most commonly determined by a method called GPS (Global Positioning System) which requires a connection with 3+ Satellites, as global reference points, then performing a triangulation calculation to plot a local reference point using longitude and latitude. With a...

How can I safely operate my business through COVID-19?

How can I safely operate my business through COVID-19? COVID-19 has changed the landscape of businesses across the world. Global Operations and supply lines have been impacted, with many businesses being required to stop work to slow the spread of the virus. Essential industries have been allowed to continue operating through this time. For these...

What our customers say

Discover the power of real-time asset tracking, and start making data driven decisions and increase profitability year on year. Discover the power of real-time asset tracking, and start making data driven decisions and increase profitability year on year.

Alex Todress

Staff Director

Discover the power of real-time asset tracking, and start making data driven decisions and increase profitability year on year. Discover the power of real-time asset tracking, and start making data driven decisions and increase profitability year on year.

Alex Todress

Staff Director