Author: Andrew Kelly

What on earth is IoT and how does it affect me?

What on earth is IoT and how does it affect me? As someone who works for an Internet of things (IoT) company, “What is IoT?” is something I am often asked. Answering this question is not easy, as a technical answer will often result in confusion. In order to explain what I do for a...

What is RTLS?

What is RTLS A Real-time location system (RTLS) is used to automatically identify and track the location of objects or people in real-time. There are two main forms of RTLS, Indoor and Outdoor RTLS, both having unique issues that have to be tackled in order to supply the best tracking possible. Generally, in indoor RTLS...

What is an API?

What is an API? To put simply, an API (Application programming interface) is a messenger that takes requests and tells a system what you want to do and then returns the response back to you. For example, think of an API as a waiter in a restaurant. Imagine you’re sitting at the table with a...

What is LPWAN?

What is LPWAN? LPWAN (low power, wide area network) is a broad term that is used to encompass a multitude of technologies that share these common characteristics: LOW POWER: Operating on small, inexpensive batteries that last for years; WIDE AREA: An operating range that is generally larger than 2KM in an urban setting. The way...

What is a gateway?

What is a gateway? A gateway relays real-time location information to the cloud server. This means that your information is accessible anywhere. A gateway is a listening device typically used indoors, the gateway requires access to power and a network (ethernet/wifi/cellular) to function. The gateway receives 'bluetooth advertising' from tags, this allows the gateway to...

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Discover the power of real-time asset tracking, and start making data driven decisions and increase profitability year on year. Discover the power of real-time asset tracking, and start making data driven decisions and increase profitability year on year.

Alex Todress

Staff Director

Discover the power of real-time asset tracking, and start making data driven decisions and increase profitability year on year. Discover the power of real-time asset tracking, and start making data driven decisions and increase profitability year on year.

Alex Todress

Staff Director